CH Castle Rock's SBigStaff Mad About You
(Photo by Kenneth Reed Photography)
The Queensboro Kennel Club closed their two day set in West Springfield MA today with Sue Goldberg choosing the American Staffordshire Terrier, CH Castle Rock's SBigStaff Mad About You, as her BIS. Also on hand were the Irish Setter, GCH CH Shadagee Caught Red Handed, the Rhodesian Ridgeback, GCH CH Spring Valley's Shumba Hadzi SC CGC, the Akita, GCH CH Nakodo's Reign Of Glory, the Shih Tzu, GCH CH Pekings Midnight Vision At Wenshu, Saturday’s BIS winner, the Bulldog, GCH CH Kepley’s Showbiz Razzle Dazzle, and the Puli, GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Twist And Shout. DOG2WATCH Maddy has had quite a good month with a huge Group One at Morris and Essex and a BIS at the all Terrier Montgomery County Kennel Club show. Maddy’s got eight all breed BIS and a lot of bragging rights.