Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010


GCH CH Greengate Buzz Lightyear

Down in Southern California the action was in Van Nuys with the Burbank Kennel Club.  Their day one capped with judge Vicki Abbot’s final seven of the Irish Setter, GCH CH Greengate Buzz Lightyear, the Afghan Hound, GCH CH Thaon’s Mowgli, the Boxer, GCH CH Duba Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy, the Wire Fox Terrier, CH Gallant Statesman Of Steele, the Yorkshire Terrier, CH Tyava's Genuine Article, the Bulldog, GCH CH Caylee’s The Sky Is The Limit, and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, CH Coventry Vanity Fair,  Her Best was the Irish Setter, Keegan.  Keegan was bred by Bernadette Elliott & Barbara Watanabe and is owned by Mark, Judy Killam & Bernadette Elliott, and is handled by Loran Morgan.  Congratulations to them all.

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